Head: CATWA HEAD Tumble V4.10
Head Applier: [PUMEC] /January\HUD-CATWA/ MAITREYA #2 @ Lucky Letters NEW!
Hair: Blues. Pumpkin (+hat, fitted mesh) @ Salem NEW!
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1
Tattoo body: .::Nanika::. Gebura tattoo Black Maitreya @ On9 NEW!
Tattoo Hands: .::Nanika::. Gebura tattoo Black Slink Appliers @ On9 NEW!
Boots: [BREATHE]-Kara Boots-(M.LARA) @ Salem NEW!
Fashion Killer : Astralia - Fashion Killer Gacha Set @ The Epiphany NEW!
* Fashion Victim Coffin RARE
* Animated Brum red
* Calderon Red
* Chandelier
* Floating Candles Red
* Floating Candles Black
* Petals Pentagram (red)
The Epiphany: Start October 16th -
On9: October 9th to 28th -
Salem: October 1st to 31 st -